Richard Fishman

Artist Statement

"My paintings make tangible my interest in space, depth, motion and color, things that have held my interest for as long as I can remember. I love to work with the intersection of different paints by applying them to the paper and both controlling and not controlling their interactions. At times I break them back down into their original color characters or they may create colors that would not otherwise be on the paper. I like working on paper because it is really flexible. This lets me move the paint around in more ways and the paint is absorbed in ways I like.
Nature and some aspects of the human-constructed environment inspire me or, perhaps more accurately, awe me. I am not trying to create a pre-conceived vision of anything or mimic my surroundings. My paintings have scenes and characters galore that have emerged from the various paints I have applied. The only thing I plan before I start is what colors I will use first. I start out painting and follow where it is going. I might have an idea about something at some point that later disappears into a later idea. As I work I keep the surface fluid in both literal and/or metaphorical senses."

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